Tuesday 10 January 2012

I'm out of here...

Apparently it was 12 minutes from time; he was wearing number 12; it's his 12th appearance against Leeds and his 12th goal scored against them; oh, and it's 2012. It must all mean something! It does: It means Brian and John are acting like 12 year olds because Henry has returned to Arsenal and it's like Christmas all over again in our house: Except it isn't actually. It's like a completely over-the-top, one-stop, wedding boutique, with rails and rails of ball gowns, teetering pyramids of sparkling tiaras, row upon row of satin shoes and bushels of trembling white flowers. A scene for a film is being shot here today and I am confined to our tiny basement quarters with the football fans reliving this moment again and again and again...


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