Friday, 13 April 2012

Close Encounters of the 2nd Kind

It was our first visit to the Palace Theatre last night and I have already managed to get into trouble with 'the powers that be' for taking pictures in the auditorium - not while the show was on, I KNOW not to do that - but while everyone was still taking their seats. Ed explained that the sets are top secret and they don't want pictures of them all-over the net. Fair enough. 
Our seats were way up high, on a near vertical incline, towards the back of the balcony, affording us a fabulous view of... (and I don't think I'm infringing any copyright here) THE CEILING! and what a magnificent one it is.

I'm also in Ed's bad books for embarrassing him in front of the young girl selling sweets - not for boasting that he has been awarded a 6 month run in the show but because I asked "do you have any healthy snacks?" when she proffered her tray of confectionery. I know I have covered Theatre Fare in this blog before so I won't go on - but really...
 Thank God we managed to get our hands on a large glass of Pinot Grigio in the bar.

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